The annual report on poverty, trade and development in poor countries has been released following the conclusion of an UNCTAD conference. The conference focused on development and technology in poor countries.
This year's UN report focuses on technological advances in poor countries.
The poorest countries in the world need technological know-how to achieve development, so the report recommends that donors transfer their aid and focus on science and research.
The UNCTAD conference, which ended in Geneva, Switzerland and presented the report, further recommended that international donors increase their aid to improve the technology and training sectors, especially in countries with weak economies, so that they can get rid of arrears. Of raw materials and workers with insufficient skills in production.
The 2007 UN report focused on developing countries, saying that new agricultural practices that will increase productivity and quality are much needed in poor countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where large numbers of farmers are moving from one country to another. Towards the cities.
According to UNCTAD, less than 4% of world bank loans has been spent on science and technology projects in the past 25 years.
UNCTAD Secretary-General Supachai Panitchpakdi has said there is no balance in governance, social and technological issues.
He cited the example of the poorest Asian countries, such as Bangladesh, Laos, Nepal and Cambodia, as the first to begin making strides in technology. Many African countries are also declining.
Africa's poorest countries are hampered by over-investment in natural resources.
Mr Panitchpakdi said the two countries needed to develop strategies that would strengthen the mining and energy sectors to boost their economies.
UN General Assembly President Sheikh Haya Rashed Al Khalifa has said that the poorest countries in the world have not benefited greatly from globalization unless those countries have suffered a lot following the decisions of globalization.
Ms. Khalifa cited the saying of India's most famous former leader Mahatma Ghandi that in areas suffering from extreme poverty people sees Allah in a loaf of bread, and that expression is still evident even decades later.
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul have announced the establishment of a special fund of $ 20 million to support development projects in poor port countries as well as small island nations.